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Shintaro Mini DisplayPort (MDP) to VGA Adapter Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

Shintaro Mini DisplayPort (MDP) to VGA Adapter [SH-ADMDPVGA]

Our Price:
(Inc. GST)
Man. Part #:
Our Part #:
4 Shintaro Shintaro Mini DisplayPort (MDP) to VGA Adapter Available
Est. Delivery:
1-3 days
(No Pick-ups)

Shintaro SH-ADMDPVGA Description:

Shintaro display adapters are the most cost effective way to connect your Mac or Notebook to your Monitor, HD TV or Projector. Use the DisplayPort (DP) to DVI Adapter to extend or mirror your notebook screen in FHD resolution.
Shintaro Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter


Shintaro display adapters are the most cost effective way to connect your Mac or Notebook to your Monitor, HD TV or Projector. Use the DisplayPort (DP) to DVI Adapter to extend or mirror your notebook screen in FHD resolution.

Key Features
  • Mini DisplayPort M to VGA F Converter
  • Supports VGA resolution up to 1080P
  • Complies with DisplayPort 1.1 standard
  • Supports extend/mirror display
  • Easy to use adapter, no software required.
  • Plug-n-Play
  • Total Length: 22cm
  • Cable Length: 13.3cm


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