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Panasonic G&J Panasonic Toughbook L1/S1 DUAL RF Vehicle Docking Station. Thin model. Room for the tablet's large battery and BCR. Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

Panasonic G&J Panasonic Toughbook L1/S1 DUAL RF Vehicle Docking Station. Thin model. Room for the tablet's large battery and BCR. [7160-1314-12]

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5+ Panasonic Panasonic G&J Panasonic Toughbook L1/S1 DUAL RF Vehicle Docking Station. Thin model. Room for the tablet's large battery and BCR. Available
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Panasonic 7160-1314-12 Description:

The thin design of this Panasonic Toughbook S1/L1 docking station will enable the dock to be mounted close to the instrument panel and will still accommodate the tablet's large battery and bar code reader. If you will require antenna pass-through but will not need the tablet's rotating hand strap then this is the docking station for you. Gamber & Johnson.

  • Antenna Pass-Through
  • Dual RF
  • Port Replication
  • External LIND power supply cigarette adapter (7300-0444) or
  • Power supply input DC 5V 1.8A
  • USB 2.0 500mA
  • External antenna select switch
  • Power Supply not included - MUST USE EITHER OF BELOW
  • LIND bare wire power adapter (7300-0443)
  • Panasonic Toughbook Certified
  • MIL-STD 810G Shock & Vibration Tested
  • Cycle Tested: Docking connector, latching and locking mechanisms. 30,000 cycles.
  • Environmental Testing: High/Low Temperature, Operational/Storage, Thermal Shock
  • 3-Year Limited Warranty

Panasonic 7160-1314-12 Specifications:

Warranty 1 YEAR
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