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Serveredge  8-Port HD Video Splitter with Signal Auto detect  & HDCP Compliant Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

Serveredge 8-Port HD Video Splitter with Signal Auto detect & HDCP Compliant [A8HDPS]

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1 Serveredge Serveredge  8-Port HD Video Splitter with Signal Auto detect  & HDCP Compliant Available
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Serveredge A8HDPS Description:

The Serveredge's 8-Port HDMI Splitter is used to take high definition video from a single HDMI media source and direct it to 8 separate HD TVs displays or projectors . Being HDCP compliant the unit is able to support the highest quality HD video; enabling the splitting of HD content from DVR / Set-top boxes Blu-ray players Media servers and other HD or non HD devices.

  • Distribute a single HDMI media source up to 8 HDMI displays
  • Works with DVR / Set-top boxes Blu-ray / DVD players video game Consoles media servers computers and many more
  • Full 3D Support
  • Supports high-resolution video: - HDTV resolution of 48 p 72 p 1 8 i and 1 8 p (192 x1 8 )
  • Auto-detectsthe highest commonresolution of connected displays*
  • Supports 12-bit Deep Color
  • Cascadable***
  • LED indication of displays
  • HDCP Compliant
  • Backwards compatible with DVI devices with HDMI to DVI adapter**
  • Note:For HD media sources that support auto video resolution scaling.**Via HD (F) to DVI (M) Adapter ***HDCP Limitation While Cascading:If your media content is HDCP enabled the splitters will only supportup to the maximum HDCP keys that are available (127 keys). In other words with HDCP enabled content the splitters can support up to 127 displays. If your media content is not HDCP enabled then the splitters can support the full three-level cascade (512 displays).
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