Consumables Finder

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Serveredge 0RU Basic 2m 15 Port PDU (15) IEC C13 Output (1) IEC C14  Input 10A 240V- Metal Case Includes:? 1 x Pair Bracket 1.? 1 x Pair Bracket 2.? 4 x M6 Cage Nuts? 10 x M6 Screws? 6 x M6 Nuts Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

Serveredge 0RU Basic 2m 15 Port PDU (15) IEC C13 Output (1) IEC C14 Input 10A 240V- Metal Case Includes:? 1 x Pair Bracket 1.? 1 x Pair Bracket 2.? 4 x M6 Cage Nuts? 10 x M6 Screws? 6 x M6 Nuts [SEDG-15PB-C13]

Our Price:
(Inc. GST)
Man. Part #:
Our Part #:
5+ Serveredge Serveredge 0RU Basic 2m 15 Port PDU (15) IEC C13 Output (1) IEC C14  Input 10A 240V- Metal Case Includes:? 1 x Pair Bracket 1.? 1 x Pair Bracket 2.? 4 x M6 Cage Nuts? 10 x M6 Screws? 6 x M6 Nuts Available
Est. Delivery:
1-3 days
(No Pick-ups)

Serveredge SEDG-15PB-C13 Description:

The Serveredge basic PDUs are the most efficient way to power protect your rack mount equipment. Serveredge PDUs are built to both Australian & International standards and requirements so that your equipment can deliver the most optimum performance while using minimum of your valuable rack space. The PDUs have a Metal Alloy casing which makes them durable for rack mount use in vertical applications.

  • Output ports: (15) IEC C13
  • With built in Overload Protection
  • Supplied with a PDU-BKT Vertical Mounting Bracket Kit
  • Single input power source.
  • Vertical mounting capabilities saves valuable rack space.
  • Power Indicator Light.
  • Warranty: 2 Years Manufacturers Warranty.
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