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Brother TZE-S621 9mm Black on Yellow Strong Adhesive TZ Tape Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

Brother TZE-S621 9mm Black on Yellow Strong Adhesive TZ Tape [TZE-S621]

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5+ Brother Brother TZE-S621 9mm Black on Yellow Strong Adhesive TZ Tape Available
Est. Delivery:
1-3 days
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Brother TZE-S621 Description:

Brother TZE-S621 9mm Black on Yellow Strong Adhesive TZ TapeBrother TZE-S621 9MM Black on Yellow STRONG Adhesive TZ TAPE Description: Brother TZeS621 (TZS621) Black on Yellow Extra Strength P-touch Tape, 3/8 In. X 26.2 Ft. This tape features an exclusive laminated tape process and Extra Strength Adhesive with up to twice the adhesive strength of the Standard Laminated tapes. These labels stay on under both normal conditions and in harsh indoor and outdoor environments. Recommended for use on textured, rough or uneven surfaces. Great for slippery painted metal items or powder coated surfaces. The Brother TZS621 Ptouch Tape is used in the following P-touch Label Printers: PT11QPT18RPT200PT300PT300BPT310PT310BPT320PT330PT340PT350PT520PT530PT540 PT550PT580CPT1000PT1010PT1090PT1090BKPT1100PT1100sbPT1120PT1130PT1160PT1170SPT1180PT1190 PT1200PT1230PCPT1280PT1290PT1300PT1400PT1500PCPT1600PT1650PT1700PT1750PT1760PT1800PT1810 PT1830PT1880PT1900PT1910PT1950PT1960|PT2030PT2030ADPT2030VPPT2100PT2110PT2200PT2210PT2300 PT2310PT2400PT2410PT2430PCPT2500PCPT2600PT2610PT2700PT2710PT2730PT2730VPPT3600PT7100PT7500 PT7600PT9200DXPT9200PCPT9400PT9500PCPT9600PT9700PCPT9800PCNST1150ST1150DXST5 The TZS621 Extra Strength Adhesive Laminated P-touch TZ Tape is perfect for textured and hard to stick surfaces. Extra Strength industrial tape has up to twice the adhesive strength than regular P-touch Tapes. It can be used on a much wider range of surfaces and materials. It's ideal for harsh environments and textured surfaces! Has twice the adhesive strength than regular P-touch tape Can be used on a wide range of industrial materials Ideal for harsh environments & textured surfaces
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