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ALOGIC 10m LC-ST 10G Multi Mode Duplex LSZH Fibre Cable 50/125 OM3 Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

ALOGIC 10m LC-ST 10G Multi Mode Duplex LSZH Fibre Cable 50/125 OM3 [LCST-10-OM3]

Our Price:
(Inc. GST)
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Our Part #:
5+ ALOGIC ALOGIC 10m LC-ST 10G Multi Mode Duplex LSZH Fibre Cable 50/125 OM3 Available
Est. Delivery:
1-3 days
(No Pick-ups)

ALOGIC LCST-10-OM3 Description:

The Multi Mode OM3 cables are designed to support high transfer speed the cables are capable of supporting up to 1 gigabit applications at the same time being backward compatible with 5 /125 OM2 infrastructure. The cables meet or exceed industry standard specifications; each cable is individually tested for maximum reliability and comes with performance reports.The ALOGIC OM3 Patch Cables are available in various lengths starting from .5m to 3 m length

  • Multi Mode OM3 fibre optic cable.
  • Available in various lengths starting from 0.5m to 30m length
  • Low Smoke Zero Halogen Jacket for minimal toxic emissions in case of fire.
  • 100% optically tested and provided with test reports.
  • Life Time warranty.
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