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3M Privacy Filter for Apple MacBook Pro 12 PFNAP002 Product may vary from image. Rely only on description for purchasing decisions.

3M Privacy Filter for Apple MacBook Pro 12 PFNAP002 [PFNAP002]

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(Inc. GST)
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5 3M 3M Privacy Filter for Apple MacBook Pro 12 PFNAP002 Available
Est. Delivery:
1-3 days
(No Pick-ups)

3M PFNAP002 Description:

3M privacy and protection products work simply and beautifully on most of today's touch-enabled devices to help protect your screens, and help keep the information displayed on them private. Thinner and more responsive to touch than ever offered before from 3M, our privacy filters give your high-resolution screen side view protection from visual hackers


3M Privacy Filter for Apple MacBook Pro 12 PFNAP002


3M Black Privacy Filters for laptops provide world-class "black out" privacy from side views, while creating an excellent, high-resolution viewing experience from straight on views. Reversible between a glossy side and a glare-reducing matte side that helps reduce reflections and hide fingerprints, so you can enjoy pristine image clarity.

Key Features:

  • Microlouver technology delivers world-class effective "black out" privacy from side views outside the 60-degree viewing angle.
  • Reversible between a glossy side and glare-reducing matte.
  • Reduces 35% of blue light transmission from the display.
  • Helps reduce reflections so you see your screen clearly with pristine image clarity.
  • Matte surface helps reduce glare and hide fingerprints.
  • Designed with advanced microlouver technology, creating an excellent high-resolution viewing experience.
  • Designed to seamlessly fit within the raised bezel of your device.
  • Easy to attach, remove and clean.
  • Gives screens an added layer of durable protection from dust and scratches.
  • 100% hand inspected for quality assurance.
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